The fastest way to resolve a problem that you have with a non-depository financial service provider is to contact them directly and make them aware of your concerns. If you don’t believe the financial service provider adequately addressed your concerns, you can submit a complaint against the financial service provider to the Licensed Financial Services section of the Division of Banking. The Licensed Financial Services section of the Division of Banking accepts complaints from Wisconsin residents and from non-Wisconsin residents with complaints against Wisconsin based financial service providers. It is recommended that non-Wisconsin residents submit complaints to the consumer protection agency located in their state of residence.
To file a complaint, use any of the options below:
- Submit your complaint electronically by using this online form. Use this option if you don't have attachments to file with your complaint.
- Submit your complaint via email by using this online email template to email your complaint. You may attach supporting documents to your email.
- Submit your complaint via postal mail by using this
complaint form (Form BCA500).
What types of businesses can a complaint be filed against?
The Licensed Financial Services section of the Division of Banking handles consumer complaints against the non-depository financial institutions identified in the table below.
For the following types of complaints, click on the link to file a complaint:
If the financial service provider you want to file a complaint against is not identified in the following table and is not a mortgage banker, mortgage broker, mortgage loan originator, state bank, or state credit union, you may need to file a complaint with another regulatory agency.
Adjustment Service Companies | Businesses that help consumers with budgeting and debt resolution |
Collection Agencies | Businesses hired by creditors to collect the outstanding debts of individuals and companies |
Credit Service Organizations
| Businesses that arrange credit for a buyer and/or help to improve a buyer's credit rating
Currency Exchanges | Businesses that cash checks for a fee |
Earned Wage Access Services Providers
| Businesses that provide consumers with access to earned but unpaid wages.
Insurance Premium Finance Companies | Businesses that finance insurance premiums |
Loan Companies | Businesses that assess interest in excess of 18% per year on consumer loans |
Money Transmitter (formerly known as a Seller of Checks)
| Businesses that transmit money and/or sell or issue checks, including money orders and prepaid cards |
Motor Vehicle Dealers | Businesses that originate motor vehicle retail installment sales contracts and consumer leases |
Nondepository Small Business Lenders
| Commercial small business lenders that
participate in the loan guarantee program of the U.S. small
business administration and
provide financial assistance to small businesses that qualify for
financial assistance pursuant to 15 USC s. 636(a). |
Payday Lenders
| Businesses that offer payday loans to consumers |
Recreational Vehicle Dealers | Businesses that originate recreational vehicle retail installment sales contracts and consumer leases |
Sales Finance Companies | Businesses that acquire installment sales contracts and leases from Wisconsin motor vehicle dealers and recreational vehicle dealers |
What other regulatory agencies handle financial service complaints?
At times, the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions is unable to assist consumers because the laws we administer do not provide us with the regulatory authority to do so. We have, therefore, compiled the following list of agencies that may be able to assist you if the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions does not have jurisdiction.
Complaint Type
| Agency | Website |
Credit report, student loan servicing, some prepaid debit cards, cryptocurrency, unlicensed money transfers, some national banks, and business-to-business complaints
| The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
Federal Credit Union
| The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)
Fraudulent Activity
| The Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Internet Crime
| The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)
National Bank, Federal Savings Banks, and Federal Savings and Loan Associations
| The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)
| |
Contact Us
Phone: (608) 261-7578
Mailing Address:
Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions
Licensed Financial Services
PO Box 7876
Madison, WI 53707-7876
Physical Address:
Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions
Licensed Financial Services
4822 Madison Yards Way, North Tower
Madison, WI 53705