Trademark General Information

The name or mark of a business, product, label, logo, or form of advertisement are some examples of items that may be registered with the Department of Financial Institutions. Trademark registration is not required but is a good way to notify the public of the use of a certain name or mark. The filing fee is $15, and the registration expires after 10 years if not renewed. A trademark may be renewed up to six months before the 10-year registration period expires. While a registration is active, it may be “assigned” by the current registrant to another party.

“Mark" means a label, trademark, trade name, term, design, pattern, model, device, shopmark, drawing, specification, designation or form of advertisement that is adopted or used by any person to designate, make known or distinguish any goods or service as having been made, prepared or provided by that person and that is registered by that person under Wis. Stat. section. 132.01.

Beginning March 2020, the Department will accept trademark filings and requests solely online or via walk-in. To promote timeliness, accuracy and efficiency, all trademark registrations, renewals, amendments, assignments, cancelations and certificate or copy requests must be performed online or in-person.

Contact Us

Phone: (608) 266-8915
Mailing Address:
Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions
Division of Corporate and Consumer Services
PO Box 7847
Madison, WI 53707-7847
Physical Address:
Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions
Division of Corporate and Consumer Services
4822 Madison Yards Way, North Tower
Madison, WI 53705