Banking & Savings Institution Fees

​​​​​​​​​The following tables list fees and assessments charged by the Division of Banking.

Banking Institution Fees



​Acquisition by Bank Holding Company
​Annual Assessment
​$0.0475 per $1,000 in assets
​Articles of Incorporation
​Conversion National to State
​Conversion Savings & Loan to Bank
​Exam Fee
​$66 per hour per examiner
​Interim Bank and Merger
​New Bank Charter
​Reduction in Permanent Capital
​Share Exchange
​Trust Company
​Trust Powers
​Universal Bank Certification

Savings Institution Fees



​Acquisition and Merger
Annual Assessment
​$0.0475 per $1,000 in assets
Branch/Limited Office
​$500/$250 limited office
Exam Fee
​$66 per hour per examiner
Federal to State/Jurisdictional Conversion
Interim Institution
Move Main Office
​Reduction in Permanent Capital
​Universal Bank Certificat​​ion

Fees for certificates of good standing and certified copies can be found at Banking & Savings Institution Certificates & Copies.

​​Contact Us 

Phone:  (608) 261-7578