Collection Agency

​Licensed under Wis. Stat. s. 218.04, collection agencies are hired by creditors to collect the outstanding debts of individuals and companies.

Frequent Links

Helpful Information

  • Cybersecurity Resources
    • Cybersecurity 101 – a resource developed by the Conference of State Bank Supervisors intended to be an easily-digestible, non-technical r​eference guide to help executives develop a comprehensive, responsive cybersecurity program in line with best practices.
    • Ransomware Self-Assessment Tool – a resource developed by the Conference of State Bank Supervisors in conjunction with the Bankers Electronic Crimes Taskforce and the United States Secret Service which contains important controls that all types of companies should use to assess their efforts to mitigate risks associated with ransomware and to identify opportunities for increasing security.

Contact Us

Phone: (608) 261-7578