ABLE Savings Accounts

​​An Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) account is a savings and investment account that allows a person whose disability began before age 26 to save money for qualified disability expenses without affecting eligibility and benefits under most federal means-tested programs like Supplemental Security Income and Medicaid. On January 1, 2026, the age of ABLE eligibility will be expanded to include people who have a disability that began before age 46 thanks to the passage of the federal ABLE Age Adjustment Act. ABLE plans are administered by states under Section 529A of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service tax code.

Wisconsin ABLE Program

While Wisconsin does not currently administer an ABLE program, 2023 Wisconsin Act 267 instructs the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) to determine how it will establish an ABLE savings program for Wisconsin residents with disabilities – either independently or through a collaborative agreement with another state or states – by no later than August 1, 2025, with implementation to follow. This legislation was enacted following publication of the DFI’s 2022 report and recommendations on establishing an ABLE program for Wisconsin residents.

Any updates to progress on implementation of a Wisconsin ABLE program will be articulated on this webpage. Please check back here for the latest information.

Wisconsin permits ABLE accounts to be established in any state, not just in the state of residence of the individual with a disability. Wisconsin residents with disabilities may establish an ABLE account with another state’s program that accepts nonresidents. A person may only have one ABLE account, but they are allowed to change ABLE plans if desired. This process can vary slightly between plans but generally involves providing the current plan with a transfer or rollover form. A rollover from one ABLE account to another qualified ABLE account for the same beneficiary (person with the disability) can only occur once every 12 months.

ABLE Account Resources

The resources below provide independent information and guidance on ABLE accounts, tools to help individuals select a plan, and information on federal and state tax benefits available to those saving with an ABLE account.

ABLE National Resource Center
Founded and managed by the National Disability Institute since 2015, the ABLE National Resource Center shares reliable information about ABLE plans, including plan comparisons tools, best practices, and strategies to increase savings for now and into the future.

ABLE Today
Led by the National Association of State Treasurers, ABLE Today supports national outreach on behalf of all state ABLE programs and provides resources to the public on the benefits of ABLE accounts, including information for employers.

IRS Publication 907
Publication 907 (last updated in 2023) gives a brief introduction to certain parts of the tax law of particular interest to people with disabilities and those who care for them.

Social Security Administration’s Program Operations Manual System
The Social Security Administration’s Program Operations Manual System provides Social Security Administration policy information on ABLE accounts (income, resources, distributions, and verifications) to professionals.

Wisconsin Department of Revenue’s ABLE Accounts Webpage
For state-related information on ABLE accounts, including tax information and forms, visit the Wisconsin Department of Revenue’s ABLE Accounts webpage.

Contact Us

Phone: (608) 264-7800