Test Your Investment Knowledge

Learn first-hand about the types of persuasion tactics used to perpetrate financial fraud, so that you’ll be better able to defend against them. Make your way through the town of Shady Acres, accumulating wealth and strength by using these tactics. But watch out—the Fraud Fighting Agency is hot on your trail.
Financial Literacy Quiz - Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)
Gauge your financial knowledge—take the quiz and compare your score with the averages in specific states or the nation overall.

Investment Fraud Quiz - North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA)
The North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) and the Canadian Securities Administrators have collaborated on a quiz to help you identify your vulnerability to fraud. Take this 12-question quiz and learn what you can do to avoid becoming a victim of investment fraud.

Investor Knowledge Quiz - Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)
FINRA surveyed investors to get an idea of what people know—and what people may not know—about investing. This quiz includes some of the questions from that survey and explains the correct answers.

Risk Meter - Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)
Use this Risk Meter to see whether you share characteristics and behavior traits that have been shown to make some investors vulnerable to investment fraud. 

Scam Meter - Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)
With just four questions this Scam Meter can help you determine if an investment opportunity might be a scam.

Test Your Money Smarts - U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Test your money smarts with this 10-question quiz from the Securities and Exchange Commission.

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Phone: (608) 266-2139

Email: DFISecurities@dfi.wisconsin.gov